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English Corner: angličtina pro policisty 2

Tisková zpáva Europolu
Chcete si rozšířit anglickou slovní zásobu? Sledujte naši novou pravidelnou rubriku, která na základě aktuálních zpravodajských témat přiblíží složitější gramatické jevy a rozšíří slovní zásobu. Pracujeme s originálními texty ze zpravodajských serverů, odkaz na původní zprávu najdete vždy v dané lekci.
Tisková zpáva Europolu | Foto: Europol

Přečtěte si tiskovou zprávu Europolu, důležitá slovíčka máte přeložena na konci zprávy. Originální zprávu naleznete ZDE.


19 detained1) in operation against Nigerian cocaine traffickers

The Hague, the Netherlands

29 October 2015

On 27 October, 19 criminals from a Nigerian organised crime network involved2) in large-scale3) cocaine trafficking were arrested in a coordinated law enforcement4) operation led by Luxembourg's Grand Ducal5) Police and supported by Luxembourg Customs and Europol. The network is accused of selling and distributing cocaine from Belgium to Luxembourg.

On the action day more than 250 police and customs officers carried out6) house searches in Luxembourg and one in Belgium. The premises7) searched were rented by Nigerian members of the network who were staying illegally in the country, and they served as the headquarters for the cocaine traffickers8) to store and distribute the cocaine, and plan their criminal activities. Various evidence9) was seized10) including more than EUR 100 000 in cash, cocaine, documents and mobile devices.

Europol's team of specialists and analysts supported this investigation by facilitating11) criminal intelligence analysis and providing operational support. During the action day, Europol deployed12) two specialists on-the-spot13), equipped with a mobile office to make real-time cross-checks14) of the information gathered against Europol's databases.

Source: Europol, press releases (29 October 2015) [https://www.europol.europa.eu/content/19-detained-operation-against-nigerian-cocaine-traffickers]

Vocabulary: 1) zadržených 2) zapojených 3)  v rozsáhlém 4) bezpečnostní složky 5) vévodská 6)vykonali 7) komplex budov 8) překupníci 9)důkazy 10) zajištěny 11)ulehčující 12)umístil 13)přímo na místo 14) ověření a kontrola


Exercise 1 

True or False?

(Which sentence is correct? Can you identify the wrong one?)

1)      The group of criminals involved in large scale cocaine trafficking was arrested and acquitted.

2)      During the action day, Europol placed two specialists within the area of the crime and they checked the information they collected.

3)      Cocaine was sold and distributed from Belgium to Nigeria.

4)      Proof was seized including more than EUR 100 000 in cash.

5)      The Nigerian members of the network were permitted to stay in the country.


Exercise 2

Odd one out

(Cross out the word that does not belong in the group.)

1)      Deploy, line up, arrange, scatter

2)      Site, area, sequence, premises, place

3)      Accomplish, corrupt, carry out, achieve


Key to exercises

1.1    F The group of criminals involved in large scale cocaine trafficking was arrested and accused of selling and distributing cocaine.

1.2    T

1.3    F Cocaine was sold and distributed from Belgium to Luxembourg.

1.4    T

1.5    F The Nigerian members of the network were staying illegally in the country.

2.1  scatter(rozptýlit, rozprášit)

2.2  sequence (řada, sled)

2.3  corrupt (zkorumpovaný, podplacený)




Vložil: Karolína Košařová
Publikováno: 27. 11. 2015

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