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English Corner: angličtina pro policisty 6

Tentokrát se v angličtině pro policisty budeme věnovat slovní zásobě k vyšetřování trestných činů - Crime Scene Investigation. Tak směle do toho!
ilustrační | Foto: Martin Rychetský - fotosoutěž Policista.cz

Stages of a Crime Scene Investigation

1. Secure the area with crime-scene tape

2. Talk to victims

3. Walk through the crime scene and observe it

4. Document the crime scene by taking photos and making sketches

5. Retrieve and record the evidence

6. Send the evidence to the crime lab


The first thing the Scene of Crime officers (SOCOs)1) do when they attend a crime scene is to secure the area with crime scene tape. They need to prevent anyone from disturbing the evidence2). Next they talk to any victims3) who are at the scene to get important information, for example to check if there is anything at the scene that doesn´t belong there, something the offender4) might have left behind. They document the scene by taking photographs, videos, drawings. The sketch can show the complete layout of rooms or furniture.

1) Scene of Crime officers – vyšetřovatelé-operativci na místě činu
2) evidence – důkazy
3) victims – oběti
4) offender - delikvent

Finally they begin retrieving5) and recording the evidence. This may include dusting for fingerprints and lifting them with a special tape, swabbing6) blood and body fluids and casting7) for tool, tyre or shoe marks. It is a delicate, methodical process and takes a long time. Every item is tagged8), logged9) and bagged. All the evidence goes to a crime lab to be analysed.

5) to retrieve – získat, najít
6) to swab – odebrat vzorek tamponem
7) to cast - udělat odlitek
8) to tag – označit štítkem
9) to log – zapsat/zaevidovat

Trace evidence can include gun-shot residue10) (GSR), paint residue, chemicals, glass and illicit11) drugs. To collect trace evidence, a SOCO might use tweezer12) or a knife and some kind of vacuum device.13)

10) residue – zbytek, usazenina
11) illicit – nezákonný
12) tweezer – pinzeta
13) vacuum device – vakuová technika

A powerful weapon is DNA analysis. As each person´s DNA is unique, this method can be used to match evidence left at crime scene with the suspect, eliminate a suspect wrongly accused of crimes, identify dead bodies or establish paternity and other family relationships.


Reconstructing the crime scene

Shoeprints may reveal every step of the offender, fingerprints may indicate the things the offender touched, tool marks may signify points of entry. Blood spatters14) , bullet trajectories, the angle and severity15) of blows and stabs, and the nature of the victim's injuries can reveal the actual and relative positions of the assailant16), victim, and anyone else who was present during a crime, the physical changes that take place in a corpse may indicate whether the body was moved several hours after death.

14) spatters – cákance
15) severity - tvrdost, vážnost
16) assailant – útočník

If a gun is found just outside the rear door of a house where a murder took place, logic suggests that the assailant dropped the gun while escaping. Although that's certainly a possibility, without solid evidence, ruling out17) other possibilities may be difficult. For all investigators know, the gun had been tossed18) there in an attempt to make a domestic homicide19) look like a murder committed by a burglar whom the victim supposedly caught in the act. Evidence like the spouse's20) fingerprints on the gun or the victim's blood on the spouse's shoes may, of course, change the theory, but until all evidence in a reconstruction is considered and explained, investigators can't reach any absolute conclusions. 

17) to rule out – vyloučit
18) to toss – odhodit
19) homicide – vražda
20) spouse – choť


Cvičení vzniklo ze článků zde a zde.

For more vocabulary, go to: English for Law Enforcement, Charles Boyle and Ileana Chersan, Spain, Macmillan Education, 2009


Vložil: Karolína Košařová
Publikováno: 04. 03. 2016

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